“It's a joy to find so much intelligent care and attention expended on Nielsen's First Symphony...You can feel the exuberance, the intellectual control, and also the sense of danger...But there's also a tender, affectionate streak in this symphony, which Oramo and his orchestra bring out well while resisting the temptation to indulge...The Sinfonia Espansiva (No. 3) is also finely controlled and full of character.” --BBC Music Magazine, March 2015 *****
“This is a Nielsen First to sweep listeners off their feet and blow old favourites into the proverbial weeds…[and the] Third is no less gripping...This is a field-leading release, both musically and sonically; roll on Two and Six.” --MWI, April 2015
↪Vol.1 ↪Vol.3
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Sakari Oramo
The first volume of this new cycle was widely acclaimed upon its release in December 2013 (BIS2028).
Symphony No. 1 owes much to Schumann and was completed in 1892, when the composer was still in his mid-twenties.
Symphony No. 3 was the true breakthrough work, following twenty years after the first symphony and rapidly taken up by Europe’s leading orchestras.
“Oramo had his Royal Stockholm Philharmonic wind players relax into [No. 1's] almost Baroque-like ornateness, and when the tune 'turns' in the violins, its does so with effortless charm...The 'Espansiva' heart of the [Third] is the second movement...and is a departure in every sense - it's a rarefied air that Oramo breathes.” --Gramophone Magazine, March 2015
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang NIELSEN Symphonies Nos. 1 & 3. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link http://charleslamberrt.blogspot.com/2016/04/nielsen-symphonies-nos-1-3.html. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.