It is difficult to believe that there are still works from Telemann’s pen that are completely new to today's musical world – indeed, the "Musical Geography" introduced here is a rarity hardly known even to experts. The 38 movements of this work are taken from Telemann’s orchestral suites; also in their original contexts, they bear geographical titles such as Les Suisses, Polonaise and Les Moscovites. The musicologist Adolf Hoffmann assembled them in 1959, modelled on Telemann’s "Singing Geography", as a series of contrasting, mostly dancelike movements, combining to create a new overall form. They have a special appeal because they lend expression to differences in national characters with musical means in a variety of ways.

Daniela Dolci and her ensemble Musica Fiorita interpret the "Musical Geography", as well as Telemann's Concerto in D minor for two violins, viola and basso continuo, with charm, verve and in an exceptionally colourful instrumentation; the contribution made by the recorder player Maurice Steger is especially worth listening to. This is a recording which expresses all the humour and the virtually limitless imagination of this composer.
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