“Tilson Thomas doesn't play these composers like they're waggish tricksters, or possessed by idealistic amateurism...Tilson Thomas peels the orchestra open like a considerable box of delights...This is an exceptionally fine Ameriques, filled with depth and sonic glare, and not a little menace.” --Gramophone Magazine, February 2013
“This is one of the boldest pieces of programming to have come my way in a long time...Tilson Thomas turns in a superb performance, remarkable as much for the delicacy of the quiet moments as for the raucous climaxes.” --BBC Music Magazine, April 2013 *****

“a brilliantly virtuosic and detailed account (in its 1927 revision) of Amériques...[The Piano Concerto's] solo part is dashingly well played by Jeremy Denk.” The Guardian, 25th October 2012 ***
“None of the music here pretends to be subtle. The mystical flavour of Henry Cowell’s atmospheric Synchrony takes the Stravinsky of The Rite of Spring a stage further...The San Francisco Symphony and Tilson Thomas give scintillating performances.” Sunday Times, 28th October 2012
“Michael Tilson Thomas's time at the helm of the San Francisco Symphony has been marked by a courageous dedication to modernist American outsiders, and American Mavericks bears out the orchestra's experience with such outré material.” The Independent, 3rd November 2012 *****
“Jeremy Denk, the gifted soloist, dismisses the [Concerto]’s technical difficulties with ease, as does the trumpeter who begins Cowell’s Synchrony with a sinuous three-minute solo, hot as molten lava...In Varèse’s intoxicating celebration of new horizons, Amériques, Tilson Thomas drives his orchestra through the teeming sounds with tremendous vigour.” The Times, 9th November 2012 ****
“Tilson Thomas, at his best in this kind of off-beat repertoire – a man on a mission - should be loudly applauded for his adventurous programming.” MusicWeb International, 2nd May 2013
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